Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm, Melissa officinalis is a medicinal weed. Lemon Balm gets its name from the plant’s strong lemon scent. It has square stems, deeply serrated heart-shaped leaves, and grows clusters of white flowers. Its name “Melissa” means “honeybee” in Greek and it is connected to pollinators. Lemon has been revered as an “elixir of youth” or “elixir of life” since medieval times. It is antiviral, antibacterial, and antimicrobial. Its antidepressant properties work as a remedy for melancholy, postpartum depression, and bipolar disorder. Lemon Balm is calming and strengthens the nervous system, making it a remedy for anxiety and ADD/ADHD. It supports digestive health and eases nervous tension in the stomach. It can also help balance the thyroid in cases of hyperthyroidism. Spiritually it is ruled by the Moon and water and can be worked with for love, healing, nurturing, and success.
Caution: Do not use it if you have glaucoma, take thyroid medications, take caution when pregnant or nursing, and do not combine with sedative or tranquilizing medications. Do not operate heavy machinery while taking lemon balm.
Lemon Balm can be found in Sweet Like Honey Herbals 'Dream On Moonchild' tea blend.